Wednesday 13 April 2011

Today's Marketing tip: Time Management doesn't have to take forever! 3 easy ways to manage your time better!

I thought it best to not send this too early in the day.
When you are putting together your marketing there is always a temptation to want it to be perfect before you send it. There are several takes on this:
1. Remember good in some, no most cases is good enough, it is more important to send out your marketing than it is for it to be perfect. You can always refine it as you go " test and measure". A nice phrase I heard explains it "ready, fire then aim".
2. Set yourself a deadline! This will stop too much procrastination and make you get on with it.
3. Make it easy to track if you over complicate this part of it you will have no time left to create new stuff.
There you go simple but true ways to save time on your marketing.
The most obvious one outside of this is to get someone else to do it for you. Have a great evening another tip tomorrow

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