Many business owners talk about the day they are going to make it. They will be a successful business person it will all be worth while when their boat comes in!
It will come as no shock to you that they have been saying this for years. what they have done is hand their future over to chance.
there are 3 types of prole in this world:
1 those who don't know what they want to happen
2 those how wait and wish for things to happen
3 those that make things happen
Which one are you at the moment? A good friend of mine puts it even simpler. You are either a waiter or a creator!
So to get back to the initial question of how do you get your boat to come in?
Focussed and sustained effort towards that goal. Positive thinking is nice but means very little withoir positive action.
So get your dreams out in the open focus on them and act towards achieving them.
Speak soon :-)
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